Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Chapter: 17 An Idea!

They separated again and went on. Until they met together at a place. The place where people lived. Tiggerkat gave a sigh of relief. "Now I think I can buy reese cups!" she said. "I've got the money."
"Everyone, you should go and search for food, whatever it is," said Faelin. "We'll all share."
So off they all went, Faelin too. Donatello and Tiggerkat went to the markets and bought Reese cups and other things. Faelin went to a nearby forest, Moonlight and Bianca to another area and everyone else.
They all returned with food. Tiggerkat came at the last moment, beaming. "Sorry for being late,"" she panted. "Guess what? I bought two cartons of lareg reese cups and there are hot air balloons with them, with the instuctions!!"

"What are hot-air balloons?" asked Faelin, sometimes being very stupid about these kinds of things.
"Well, it's a thing with a basket that you could climb on, with a rubber balloon and hot air blowing in to make it float," explained Donatello. Faelin froze. "You ok?" said Rock. Faelin shook her head.

So thats what was shown in the dream, she thought.

"I need it," she said, suddenly. "F- For everyone of us."

"Ok," said Tiggerkat, doubtfully.

Author's Note: Short chapter is short. 030 What do you think? Will they make it?