Tuesday 16 October 2012

Chapter: 4 Another Friend!

Twister woke up first. She went in search of water. She rushed back and woke up the others. "Come and see," she said shortly. They went. There was an icy cold pool (it hadn't frozen yet), and in it was a glowing blue diamond. "Wow!" exclaimed Rock. "It's so beautiful!"
Twister picked it up. "Wonder what it means," she said, thoughtfully. "Anyway, I'll keep it." She kept it in her back pack. They walked on and on until they reached a small hill. They were climbing when Rock, who was in the front heard a voice which made him slip and fall behind with the others. "Hi! Who are you guys?" An eagle was there, flying in front of them, smiling. "Oh, we.. we're just adventurers. We're on a journey," said Faelin. "I'm Ventar!" said the eagle, brightly. "What are your names?"
"Hi, I am Faelin!"
"My name's Rock!"
"I'm Twister."
"I see," said Ventar, nodding. "Well I'm an adventurer myself too! I just got bored and decided to get out. Mind if I join you?"
"Course! We'll love it!" said Rock. They continued on the journey.

Author's Note: Ventar is A01315's animal. Is it getting too boring? Tell me, if so.


Be nice! No swearing or being rude! Or else you'll be captured/killed!