Monday 12 November 2012

Chapter: 9 Danger!

As they climbed the hill again, they began to feel hungry. They settled down in a space between two hills. Faelin brought some fishes from her rucksack and distributed them. However, Tiggerkat didn't want those. She had already eaten her Reese cups and was feeling hungry again. Luckily, Donatello had some and he gave them to her. Suddenly,Twister sensed something and went on the top of the hill and watched. She sensed danger!

Author's Not: Oh no! Danger? What danger? >_<


  1. sorry i'm not commenting much i am not commenting much because i was busy

    From:nikkiroo2 (P.S: when will you puts in Snowy? Snowy is my character.)

    1. it's alright! :) And sorry Snowy won't come too soon as i have others' characters to put in! But i'll see, okay?


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