Saturday 17 November 2012

Chapter: 10 Landslide.. And Rescue!

Faelin noticed something was wrong as soon as she saw Twister's worried face. "Hey, Twister, what's wrong?" asked Rock, who had also sensed something in her face. Twister explained. "I feel uneasy."
"Me too," said Ventar. Then suddenly Donatello perked up his ears, hearing something. "It's a landslide!" he said. Tiggerkat bounced behind the others. Faelin went forward to see. "Yes, it sure is," she said. "Let's go."

But it was too late. The snow came sliding down the very mountain under which they were. Suddenly a talon came from the side of the mountain and pulled Twister's hand. "Come here," the creature behind it said. They all rushed and saw a hawk. She pulled them down and everyone except the hawk crouched. After sometime, she stood up. "It's okay," she said. "The landslide's gone now."

"Thanks," said Faelin, brushing herself down.

"Xena! What are you doing here?" asked Twister, recognizing.

Author's Note: Meep! Nothing to say!


  1. Paw? Isn't it supposed to be talon? XD and by the way, I made a new story blog!

  2. click my name to see my blog

  3. And then glacier hopped ou of no where and played in the snow lol and then everyone saw her and she screamed her lungs out


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