Friday, 28 December 2012

Chapter: 15 New Members!

The teams were all confused and Faelin decided the best thing to do was to rest for a while and decide what to do next. They saw a ferret sleeping on the snow. He suddenly woke up. "Who're you?" asked Faelin, doubtfully.
"Isn't that what I should ask you?" asked the ferret. "Anyway, I'm Moonlight."
Faelin introduced themselves. "Wow, they are a lot of you. Can I and my friend, Bianca join you?"
Yay, more and more members to this group! thought Faelin, joyously and said: "Of course, but where's Bianca?"

"Here she comes," said the ferret as a border collie came. She smiled. "Thanks for letting us join," she said.

"Of course, and thanks for joining!" said Faelin. Bianca laughed. "Well, what are you guys up to?"

Author's Note: Long time no post? Bianca is Perry4464's character and Moonlight belongs to A01315! Thanks everyone!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Chapter: 14 Tiggerkat!!!

The Snowy Hill Team was walking when Faelin sensed something. "Oh," she groaned. "It's summer and the sunshine's beginning to melt the snow!" But  voice behind her surprised everyone. "Hey, we got here again!" "And us!" Two voices yelled. Faelin turned back. The other teams were there. "Hey, you guys its summer and I can't bear without winter! Anyway, I've never felt heat as in Himalayas it's always cold!" she sighed. Donatello was a husky too but he had traveled to many places and he was alright. Suddenly they reached a frozen pond. Before she knew it, Tiggerkat bounced over it. Most unfortunately, it was thin ice and she sank into the freezing water. Donatello saved her most luckily. She coughed as she sat on the ice. Faelin opened her backpack and took out her spare jacket. She wrapped it around Tiggerkat, who was shivering.

Author's Note: I had decided that Tiggerkat'll die, but I think I'll give her a chance!

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Chapter: 13 Another member...

"Well, I'll have to ask Faelin," said Glacier.

"Who's Faelin?"

"Well, she's the leader, at least she had decided what to do and told us where to go," said Glacier.

"Alright," said Stormfur. "I'm looking forward to meet her."

So they decided to go to Faelin. Faelin was also a bit suspicious. "Well, alright and you can take in strangers but be sure of them."

The foxes went on.

Author's Note: Short chapter is short! 030

Monday, 3 December 2012

Chapter: 12 In The Glacier Team...

In The Glacier Team...

Glacier was walking alone, thinking. Well, isn't there anyone to join me? I mean,  must not be the only one in this team. When suddenly, a dark grey fox jumped out from some bushes. Glacier leapt back. "Who are you?" asked the fox, angrily. "And what are you doing in my territory?". The two glared at each other. "I challenge you to a fight and if you win, I'll let you go or else..." The fox opened her paws, revealing sharp claws. "Do you accept?"

Glacier bared her jaws. The two animals flew at each other, biting and clawing, trying to get the other off. But unfortunately for the fox, she was bad at her claws and when glacier got her chance, she sunk her powerful jaws at the scruff of the fox's neck. The fox tried to turn around but couldn't. At last, she gave up and sat down as Glacier released her jaws.

"You win," said the fox. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm adventuring," replied Glacier, still a bit suspicious. "I'm the only one in this team. There are other animals in other teams, too."

"Can I join you?" asked the fox. "By the way, my name's Stormfur."

Author's Note: Stormfur is Elizabeth Orr's other character! Sorry for not updating!


I'm sorry for not updating! I've had exams so I'll try to post as soon as I can! Thanks!

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Chapter: 11 Xena!

Xena smiled. " came in search of you," she said to Twister. "What are you guys doing?"

"We're adventuring," said Twister, smiling slightly. "Wanna join us? You can be in the Pine Tree or Glacier Team. Or The Snowmoon!"

"I'd love to join the Pine Tree Team if you won't mind," said Xena.

"There's a fox in the team, so you can go to the direction of the Pine Trees and you'll find him," said Faelin. "His name is Lantern and tell him that you're the new member."

"Alright," said Xena and flew off.

Author's Note: Meanwhile, what was happening to the other teams?

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Chapter: 10 Landslide.. And Rescue!

Faelin noticed something was wrong as soon as she saw Twister's worried face. "Hey, Twister, what's wrong?" asked Rock, who had also sensed something in her face. Twister explained. "I feel uneasy."
"Me too," said Ventar. Then suddenly Donatello perked up his ears, hearing something. "It's a landslide!" he said. Tiggerkat bounced behind the others. Faelin went forward to see. "Yes, it sure is," she said. "Let's go."

But it was too late. The snow came sliding down the very mountain under which they were. Suddenly a talon came from the side of the mountain and pulled Twister's hand. "Come here," the creature behind it said. They all rushed and saw a hawk. She pulled them down and everyone except the hawk crouched. After sometime, she stood up. "It's okay," she said. "The landslide's gone now."

"Thanks," said Faelin, brushing herself down.

"Xena! What are you doing here?" asked Twister, recognizing.

Author's Note: Meep! Nothing to say!

Monday, 12 November 2012

Chapter: 9 Danger!

As they climbed the hill again, they began to feel hungry. They settled down in a space between two hills. Faelin brought some fishes from her rucksack and distributed them. However, Tiggerkat didn't want those. She had already eaten her Reese cups and was feeling hungry again. Luckily, Donatello had some and he gave them to her. Suddenly,Twister sensed something and went on the top of the hill and watched. She sensed danger!

Author's Not: Oh no! Danger? What danger? >_<

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Chapter: 8 New people in the Glacier Team

Faelin, Rock, Twister, Tiggerkat and Donatello walked towards the snowy hills. "Sheesh, there aren't even any Reese cups here!" sighed Tiggerkat. "Is it that thing with chocolate and peanut butter?" asked Faelin, doubtfully. "Yup," said Donatello, before Tiggerkat could answer. "Tiggerkat is obsessed with them, you know."  "Oh, I've never eaten them. You know you don't get American food here. Only raw fish and many reindeer meat," said Faelin, coolly. Or perhaps a hare." Tiggerkat didn't want to hear any more. She put her hands to her ears. "That's what we eat here, you know. I've always wanted to try American food." Twister was bored. She wanted to leave the topic of food. Suddenly she saw something. "Look!" she said, pointing. "The snowy hills!"  Everyone looked. Yes, it was the snowy hills. Suddenly they saw figure on the nearest mountain. They climbed up. It was a white arctic fox with green and brown smudges on her fur, who was hiking there. She looked angry and determined. As soon as she heard them, she swung back and thrust her claws near Lantern's neck. Lantern was shocked and didn't know what to do. "You will die," the fox said through clenched teeth. "I'll kill you! I'll take revenge!"  Twister suddenly pulled Lantern and put her own neck and the fox thrust her. Blood started trickling down from her neck but she managed to pin the fox down. Faelin, then leapt on her and stood on her, growling. The fox snarled and tried to stand up. Rock put his knife towards her. "If you won't attack us, we won't either." he snarled. Lantern took out some herbs and healed Twister. Thanks for saving me," he whispered. "I- will not- attack," stuttered the fox as Faelin got up. The fox stood up and brushed her fur. "I'm sorry. My name is Glacier." she said. "I'm taking revenge because a leopard pushed me  down a mountain."  "Oh, I see," said Faelin, meaning to be friendly. "Do you want to join us?" She explained about their plans. "Yes, I would love to," said Glacier, her eyes shining. "I'll be in the Glacier Team. Alright, I can go alone to the direction of the glaciers! Thanks alot!" And she went off.

Author's Note: Glacier is Elizabeth Orr's character. I think she's really cool!

Monday, 29 October 2012

Chapter: 7 Setiing Off!

They set off to different directions. The Snowy Hills group reached plain placed talking. "I wonder what that strange clearing was," said Faelin. "Twister, what do you think?" Twister kept silence, thinking. "Well, it may be that, do you remember that it was covered with dry trees?"
"Yep," said Rock. "It formed a net-like pattern on the top."
"It may be because of that." said Twister, seriously.
"Well," began Faelin, when she heard something.
An orange tigger and a husky was chasing each other swiftly. The tigger turned back, still running in front of the husky. "Tiggerkat, you're too good at bouncing!" he called. The tigger, whose name was Tiggerkat, called out to her friend. "Oh, come on, Donnie! You know tiggers are the best bouncers!"

"Hey there!" called out Faelin, cheerfully. "Are you guys new here?"
Both the animals turned back. "Well, Tiggerkat, my friend is, but I'm not," said the husky. "I'm Donatello!"
"I see," said Rock. "We're adventurers, you see."
"Oh, cool!" said Tiggerkat and Donatello.
"Want to join us? We really need more members! And we'll have adventures!" said Faelin, invitingly.
"Of course!" said Donatello, feeling excited. "Do you mind?" he added.
"Of  course not!" said Faelin. "How is it that you're here?"
"Well, you see I was hiking and I got lost! Then I met Donatello-we were childhood friends- and he was a sled dog, you know, and he ended up here." The others gaped at the long speech. "Well, lets go!"

Author's Note: Sorry, Glacier will be coming in Chapter: 8, my lucky number.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Chapter: 6 Decisions!

Lantern soon became accepted in the group. "Now, if there's any danger," said Faelin. "We'll have to group up. So, I'll make four groups. The Snowy Hill, The Pine Tree, The Glacier and The Snow Moon Team. You, Rock and Twister- you'll be in my team. We'll be in the Snowy Hill Team." She stopped and faced Ventar. "Ventar, which team do you want to be in?"
"I think I'll be in the Snow Moon." replied Ventar.
"And you, Lantern?"
"I'm in the Pine Tree Team," said Lantern.
"Alright then," Faelin was strict in this. "Now each team will go to the place mentioned in the name."
Everyone understood. They stood in a circle. "Now I can see the Snowy Hills just at the North-West. We'll go there. Ventar, can you see the Snow Moon, in the North-East?" Ventar nodded.
"Good. You go there. And Lantern, you can see the Pine Trees in the South-West, right?"
"Yes," said Lantern.
"Alright. Then, let's set off. But wait a second, there's no one in the The Glacier Team."
"Can't you put someone in it, if you meet someone?" asked Rock.
"Great idea."
And they set off in different directions.

Author's Note: Everyone's excited, aren't you too?

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Chapter 5: An Exciting Journey!

They climbed the hill (Ventar flew, of course) and at last, reached the top. They saw a wonderful sight and couldn't believe their eyes. In front of them was a beautiful clearing, with soft grass carpet and filled with colorful flowers. They slid down the hill and walked looking here and there. "This is like a dream!" said Ventar, breaking the silence. "I can't believe it!" They reached a river. Suddenly, Faelin saw something. Someone was lying, floating in the river, head down. "Look!" Faelin said. "It's a fox!" They pulled the fox onto the land and woke him up. He had scars all over him and looked at them. "Oh, hi," he said. "Thanks a lot for rescuing me. I'm Lantern."

Author's Note: Lantern is A01315's other character. Thanks for signing up everyone!

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Chapter: 4 Another Friend!

Twister woke up first. She went in search of water. She rushed back and woke up the others. "Come and see," she said shortly. They went. There was an icy cold pool (it hadn't frozen yet), and in it was a glowing blue diamond. "Wow!" exclaimed Rock. "It's so beautiful!"
Twister picked it up. "Wonder what it means," she said, thoughtfully. "Anyway, I'll keep it." She kept it in her back pack. They walked on and on until they reached a small hill. They were climbing when Rock, who was in the front heard a voice which made him slip and fall behind with the others. "Hi! Who are you guys?" An eagle was there, flying in front of them, smiling. "Oh, we.. we're just adventurers. We're on a journey," said Faelin. "I'm Ventar!" said the eagle, brightly. "What are your names?"
"Hi, I am Faelin!"
"My name's Rock!"
"I'm Twister."
"I see," said Ventar, nodding. "Well I'm an adventurer myself too! I just got bored and decided to get out. Mind if I join you?"
"Course! We'll love it!" said Rock. They continued on the journey.

Author's Note: Ventar is A01315's animal. Is it getting too boring? Tell me, if so.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Chapter: 3 Food & Shelter!

They walked and walked until it was night. "I can't go on anymore," said Faelin, suddenly, breaking the silence. "Let's have food and reast for sometime."

So they found a cave and, luckily, Twister, too had brought some food. They had some and when to sleep. They slept for a long time, as they were all tired.

Author's Note: Sorry, this chapter is too short!

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Chapter:2 A New Friend!

They soon reached a tunnel. It was long and dark and they had to bend to get through it. As they reached the other end, they bumped into someone. It was a white wolf. Her fur was glowing and she looked surprised. "I'm sorry," said Faelin. "It's okay," said the wolf. "I'm Twister."
"I'm Faelin and this is Rock, my friend."
"Oh. Where are you going?"
"We're going to the Himalayas. Want to join us?" asked Rock, excited.
"Oh, alright."
They started walking again. "Your fur is glowing," said Faelin, surprised.
"Oh, yes. You see, I follow adventurers and I check if they're needing help."
Faelin smiled. She liked Twister, though she was serious and a bit mysterious.

Author's Note: Twister is Perry4464's character. Thanks!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Chapter: 1 The Journey Begins

Faelin and Rock decided to go on a journey. First, they had to pack up. Rock liked to go to the areas where there were humans and once he found two backpacks. He and Faelin took them and found a telescope in Faelin's bag. At first, they didn't know what it was but then they discovered.

Faelin and Rock packed food and water. Rock took his knife, made from a tiger's tooth. Faelin took her map, she found long ago and a book about the Himalayas. They set to the mountains.

Author's Note: What will happen next? Will they fall into an adventure? 

Monday, 8 October 2012


A black and white husky is lying on the snow. Suddenly she hears a tremendous bang and the rocks of some far-away mountains, rumbles down. The husky hides in a cave and sleeps there for the night, too scared to get out.
The husky opened her eyes to see sunlight filtering through the rocks of the cave. Suddenly she heard a voice. "Hey Faelin! What are you doing there? Don't tell me you were scared!" A wolf came, laughing. "Oh, come on, Rock!" said Faelin. Rock sat down. "So, did you here the news? That there was an earthquake at the Himalayas?"
Faelin nodded. "Yeah!" She paused. "You know, I've always felt bored sitting here, doing normal things."
"That's because you never like to go anywhere, cause you're a scardey-cat!" Rock teased.
Faelin avoided him. "Let's go on a journey to the Himalayas, shall we? It might be exciting!"

Author's Note: Faelin and Rock are my characters. You can sign up in the Character Sign-Up page!

Welcome to Faelin's Adventure!

This is my new story blog. There are going to be character sign-ups, where you can be a character! This blog is about Faelin, a Sepalla husky, who lived the the snowy hills of Himalayas, sets out for an adventure! This is how she lookes like!


 Prologue coming soon...